Bikini Blue

Film Info

Film Year: 2017

Film Duration: 84 min

Country: Poland

Language: English, Polish


Jarek Marszewski

Film Category

Best Cinematographer


Great Britain, 1953. Cold War lasts despite the summer. Stalin is dead, the British just finished celebrating the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, cinema halls are possessed by “The War of the Worlds”. 30 years old Dora Szumski is an English woman married to a Polish immigrant Eryk. He is a former Polish Military officer for whom the existing power balance doesn’t leave much choice. He can either be sentenced to death in his homeland or be an immigrant. After a failed suicide attempt he stays in Mabledon Park – a mental hospital for Polish ex-soldiers traumatized by the war. Dora does not only sense what is the secret behind Eryk’s illness. She also has some proof… But the supervisor of the unit – dr Lipman stops her from starting such serious talk with her husband. Dora, full of anxiety, drops her son Paul off at her sister Sara and starts her old, worn-out motorcycle to visit her husband in the asylum. The long-expected encounter of spouses doesn’t end in the hospital. Eryk runs away and turns up in a wayside inn rescuing his surprised wife from trouble. She wants her husband to immediately go back to the hospital, but finally agrees to go with him to the movies. Not aware of the deception, drugged with psychotropes she allows Eryk to kidnap her to a desolated sea shore. It won’t be just peaceful and romantic evening on the beach – we are following Dora’s trip into the heart of her husband’s mystery.