Screening Selection
Film Info
Film Year: 2023
Film Duration: 15 min
Country: Poland
Language: Polish
Łukasz Iwanicz
Film Category
Best Student Production
“Cataract” is a black-and-white documentary film about three strong women who always had it rough. Despite the tedium of everyday life and the sense of helplessness, they still try to find the meaning in the world around them. The film explores existential themes and the concept of happiness. The camera captures the character’s surroundings, showing the women during their everyday activities. The camerawork coupled with unusual shot framing in frontal closeups brings the viewer closer to the characters without compromising the universal nature of the film’s message. Landscapes with staffage emphasise the sense of loneliness, offering the viewer a space for thought and reflection. How much suffering can a person endure and where do they look for hope?